Monday, September 5, 2011

Still Learning

It is hard to talk about yourself all day. ... You learn when you're with other ideas, other books, other friends.  Talking about yourself can't advance your life.  (Yannick Noah in Black Pearls by Eric V. Copage, 12 August)


I tried to use the Windows Media Center program yesterday.  That didn't go well.  I lost the cursor two times.  I'm finding all of the Windows Media programs somewhat awkward.  Maybe it's just me.

I connected the ViewSonic monitor and its speakers directly to the laptop computer.  That seemed to resolve the issues I was having.  There must be something about the Toshiba docking station that I don't understand or that doesn't work.  I left the mouse and the printer connected to the docking station. Changing computers has always been a long drawn out process for me.

Today we are planning to go to Bowie at 11:00 a.m. to attend the Labor Day event at the Catholic Church.  I hope I will be able to buy some books for my 2012 reading program.  I'm looking for a copy of the 2010 Daily Guideposts book.

Mr. Dickie
5 September 2011

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