Sunday, January 3, 2016

2015 & 2016 Reading Lists

2015 & 2016 Reading Lists

For a number of years I have selected books at the beginning of the year for my daily reading program.  During the year I keep a lookout for candidates at thrift stores and yard sales. By reading a page or two daily from each book I am able to increase the number of books I read each year. Generally in December, I select more books than I can possibly read and end up setting a few aside. I sometimes add books to the stack, beside the bed, during the year, especially if I discover a book at the county library that I want to read.

I maintain a yearly file of the books I'm reading using the CSVed program.

To recap the books read in 2015 and to list those I'm planning to read in 2016 I created two tables, using Google Docs.  I enjoyed the challenge of learning more about how to use the table options of Google Docs. It turned out to be much easier than I expected.

After I downloaded the Google Docs file in PDF format I uploaded it to my Box account.  If anyone is interested in the two lists you can view or download them from:

Dick Henthorn
3 January 2016

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