Saturday, September 27, 2008

Purpose to Life

Photo: Mr. Dickie (Goldenrod - Nebraska state flower in our backyard.)

There is one purpose to life and one only: to bear witness to and understand as much as possible of the complexity of the world - its beauty, its mysteries, its riddles. The more you understand, the more you look, the greater is your enjoyment of life and your sense of peace. That's all there is to it. If an activity is not grounded in "to love" or "to learn," it does not have value. (Anne Rice in Thinking Outside the Church by Jennifer Leigh Selig, p. 303)

Last night I watched some of the first debate between the two presidential candidates. Calling such an activity a "debate" is stretching the definition of the term. I can only stand to listen for a short time before it wears heavily on me. It seemed to me that both men mostly repeated what they have said over and over in speeches given all over the country. Knowing that both sides are lying doesn't help matters much. By the time we go to the polls I think everyone is just glad that the campaign is over.

Mr. Dickie
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