Friday, July 24, 2009

Google Presentations

The problem with taking the easy way is that it usually ends up being harder in the long run. (Food For Thought, 16 July)

My serenity does not depend on my winning every round in my battle with life. It does depend on my acceptance of others on their own terms. God grant me that serenity. (One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, 15 July)

In short, a man must learn a great deal to enable him to pass a correct judgment on another man's acts. (Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, XI, 18, p. 120)

Sixth, consider when you are vexed or grieved that man's life is only a moment and after a short time we all lie stretched in death. (Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, XI, 18, p. 120)

Yesterday I continued to work on my project to learn more about Google Apps. I read again the section on Presentations in the book I have checked out of the library. Then I used the screen captures I made recently to make a seven slide presentation. I had some difficulty entering text captions onto the slides. I exported a PDF file of the presentation to my laptop computer. Then I was able to use the Adobe Acrobat Reader to display the slide show.

I'm interested in this project because I'm considering giving a talk at the computer club. There's a problem when someone wants to give a talk. There is no connection to the Internet in the classroom. Presenters either have to run a cable from the computer lab or they have to rely on the wireless connection. Both solutions have drawbacks. If I volunteer to give a talk I don't want the hardware issues to increase my anxiety.

I think putting the slides on a thumb drive in the PDF format would work for me. All I'd need to give the talk is the Senior Center's laptop computer with a copy of the Adobe Reader and the projector.

Maybe I'll give a talk about Delicious, the social bookmarking application. To get ready all I need to do is create the screen captures with Cropper, create the slides with Google Presentations and export them as a PDF file. Then test my show using the Adobe Reader.

Mr. Dickie

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