Thursday, July 10, 2008

Talking About Blogging

  • The more we learn of science, the more we see that its wonderful mysteries are all explained by a few simple laws so connected together and so dependent upon each other, that we see the same mind animating them all. (Olympia Brown in Thinking Outside the Church by Jennifer Leigh Selig, p. 156)
  • Have you thought about your blessings today? Have you made a mental (or written) list of the things you have to be grateful for? (after A Time to Be Free, 2 July)
  • Perfection is a long way off, but improvement can be made to happen every day. (One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, 18 June)

The collage image used today was made with one of the photo editor programs I'm learning about. I'm not quite sure what the purpose of such an image might be. At first I thought I could use the collage to call up a larger image of each photograph. If that's possible I didn't figure out how to do it yet.

The last couple of times I've gone to the AOL Family Treehouse genealogy chatroom I've talked about blogging. Someone usually asks, "What's a blog?" When I describe a web log someone usually lets their Internet phobia kick in. They talk about the dangers of the Internet. Then they describe something that happened to one or more prepubescent girls because of what they put on their blogs. I'm willing to accept that bad things happen because the Internet is there. But, I don't think the Internet is any more dangerous than life itself. I remain hopeful that I'm right.

Mr. Dickie

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