Monday, October 26, 2009

Gmail Labels

Am I thinking too much and doing too little? (Alan L. Roeck, Look To This Day, 17 October)

Do not be concerned too much with what will happen. Everything which happens will be good and useful for you. (Anonymous in A Calendar of Wisdom by Leo Tolstoy, 21 October)


Yesterday I learned how to apply "labels," with color, to my Gmail. This feature allows us to quickly group messages together and to visually spot messages by their labels. Labels are somewhat like folders with more versatility. I think I'll find this useful. I also started to create some Gmail groups.

We are busy trying to put all of the plants we brought inside under out lights in the basement. We had to buy another fixture because the Chinese junk that Loew's and Home Depot sells usually doesn't last very long.

Mr. Dickie

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