Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Focused Search

My daily life should be a living demonstration of the principles of [my] ... program. (Alan L. Roeck, Look To This Day, 29 September)

My health difficulties can strengthen my attitude and my actions. (Sefra Kobrin Pitzele, One More Day, 22 September)

[Often] Without realizing it, we're looking for trouble and are ready to fasten on little things that we could easily pass over if we really wanted our own peace of mind. (One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, 8 October)


I've been practicing with a way of entering search terms when I'm using Google search. I also tried it with Lycos. This method focuses the search on a particular website. It's very useful if you are doing genealogy.

For example, you can use this search string to find all of the "Henthorn" occurrences on GenForum. To the left of the word "site:" enter "Henthorn" followed by a space and to the right of "site:" with no space enter the abbreviated (I leave off the http://www) URL of the website you want to search.

Henthorn site:genforum.com

I'll write more about this on my genealogy "News" blog.

Mr. Dickie

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