Thursday, November 26, 2009


Lord, help us to remember when it is easy to forget those less fortunate than ourselves. While we sit at our Thanksgiving tables surrounded by family and friends, others are lost and alone. While we share bread, others go hungry. While we are sheltered from the cold, others are homeless. Lord, help us to remember those less fortunate than ourselves and be thankful for our many blessings. Amen. (adapted from Table Graces, p. 63)


I reinstalled the free program, GenViewer Lite, on my computer. This one quickly displays information from GEDCOM files. There is a version that sells for $20.00 which offers much more functionality. I think either version of the program can be a big help to me in using the Ancestral Author program to produce PDF reports. Perhaps I'll write more about this on my genealogy blog in the days ahead.

Mr. Dickie

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