I will remind myself ... that I am powerless over anyone else, that I can live no life but my own. Changing myself for the better is the only way I can find peace and serenity. (The Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage found in Courage to Change, 21 July)
Peace of mind comes when your life is in harmony with true principles and values and in no other way. (Stephen R. Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, p. 298)
I will visualize what it is I want from my life and will not compromise. I will set my standards high and focus on them. (Suzanne Somers, 365 Ways to Change Your Life, Day 235)
The possibilities of my life are endless when I am willing to see them and act on them. (Sefra Kobrin Pitzele, One More Day, 28 July)
I'm using three ways to upload photographs to the Internet. I have albums on: Facebook, Picasa and Bebo. Four of the Picasa albums store photos that I posted to my four Google blogs. This is done automatically by Google. The other day I checked to see if any Picasa album was set to "public." None were. It took a couple of days for me to figure out how to make an album public. I thought there would be a switch in the "Settings" menu. I was wrong. After doing several searches in Picasa Help I finally found the page of instructions for Album Privacy and learned that the switch is in the "Edit" menu. Go figure. Yesterday afternoon I made the album for Mr. Dickie's Blog public. There are over three hundred photos in the album. Some photos I took, some came from the Internet, and some from royalty free photo albums that I own. Captions on the photos must be added after the photos are stored in the album. Therefore, all of the photos don't have captions. BTW all three applications offer free photo storage. Also, there is something about Picasa that is a little confusing. You can install a free copy of the program on your own computer to use for managing your photos at your house.
Here's the link to the photo album, in case you want to take a look.
Mr. Dickie
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