Sunday, March 22, 2009

Real Life

Photo: Mr. Dickie (This very unusual sculpture is part of a huge work in downtown, Omaha, NE)

Real life is found only in the present. If people tell you that you should live your life preparing for the future, do not believe them. We live in this life, and we know this life only, and therefore all our efforts should be directed toward the improvement of this life. Not your life in general but every hour of this life should be lived in the best way you know how. (A Calendar of Wisdom by Leo Tolstoy, 21 March)

I will not keep myself from taking positive action. (K. O'Brien in One More Day by Sefra Kobrin Pitzele, 21 February)

With a childlike trust, I lovingly place myself and all my affairs in the hands of the Father. That which is for my highest good shall come to me. (Anonymous in Daily Guideposts, 10 February 2006)

  • I did more work on an update to my personal genealogy note in my RootsMagic genealogy file. The note appears in genealogy reports created from the file. I'm adding information to create a more complete summary about my life. Over the years of doing genealogy I've encouraged others to write about themselves, their siblings, their parents and their grandparents. I haven't been very successful.
  • I've been working outside cleaning up the yard and the shed. I still have a big project that Melva left me. There are five buckets of canna lilies in the basement and three containers of other bulbs outside that need to be planted.
Mr. Dickie

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