Saturday, March 21, 2009


I thank God for life. If at any time I am feeling less than whole and healthy, I pray. I affirm that being vitally alive is my true nature. At all times, the revitalizing spirit of God is flowing throughout my body, healing me and imbuing me with life. (Colleen Zuck, et al., Daily Word For Healing, p. 74)
  • Yesterday afternoon I worked on a project to revise my personal notes in my genealogy record. I was prompted to undertake this project because Lloyd, one of my classmates from Bellevue, NE, asked me for more information about my life. When I reviewed what I'd already written I quickly realized that the piece could use some work. By the time I finished writing the piece was almost four pages long. For the first time I used RootsMagic to prepare a PDF of the summary information from my file. I attached the file to an Email and sent it to Lloyd. I was impressed with how the report looks when printed. I wish I'd had this capability when I was more actively working on genealogy.

Mr. Dickie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your blog. Pretty interesting!Heres mine: