Thursday, November 13, 2008


Photo: Mr. Dickie

Those who own land in amounts larger than that which is needed to feed their own families can be treated as being quilty of causing poverty of many other people. (A Calendar of Wisdom, Leo Tolstoy, 23 March)

Alter your position and you will alter your perspective ... (Neil Wilson in His Passion, Day 265)

Yesterday AOL announced that they will discontinue their XDrive service in the middle of January. By the time they get done removing the free features from the service there won't be much left. I experimented with this service but never really made much use of it. So far I've found that most of the time it is difficult for others to gain access to the files that one posts.

Yesterday I underwent a stress test. From my personal perspective everything went well. I didn't experience any distress while on the treadmill. One of the technicians did indicate that some heart issues were evident from the machine readings. He said that I might have had them since before the by-pass surgery.

Mr. Dickie
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