It is a great piece of skill to know how to guide your luck even while waiting for it. (Balstar Gracian in One More Day by Sefra Kobrin Pitzele, 23 December)
... life gives exams and unless you learn from your mistakes you are doomed to repeat them. (Dr. Wayne Dyer, Real Magic, p. 7)
Yesterday I spent several hours sorting, shredding and filing paper. I filled and emptied the shredder basket. When I stopped I could hardly notice that I'd done anything. There are a couple of recent business letters missing somewhere in the clutter. It's a constant issue.
I tried to use a discount card to pay for some medication. The computer rejected the card with a message stating that the card had expired. I used my cellphone to call the number on the card. They drug company told me we'd never used the card. I knew that was wrong. I used it in the last month. I left the card at the pharmacy because there was another number they could call. Later I tried to call the pharmacy to check on whether they had resolved the matter. Of course, they didn't answer their phone. Next I went back to the store. They still hadn't called the drug company. Finally, about 6:00 p.m. they called to let me know I could get a discount if we bought a thirty-day supply rather than a ninety-day supply. If you aren't really sick before you go to the doctor and the pharmacy you will be by the time you are done dealing with the health care business.
Mr. Dickie
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