Friday, January 8, 2010

A Change of Scene

A change of scene, a new interest, a creative undertaking - these are healing medicine for the troubled. (One Day At A Time in Al-Anon, 24 December)

Business as usual is not enough; we need to reexamine our priorities. (The Upper Room Disciplines - 2006, 5 December)

My home acts as one of the roots of my life, and it has all the qualities that I bring to it. (Sefra Kobrin Pitzele, One More Day, 21 December)


Yesterday there was a large crowd at the Computer Club meeting. I think every seat was taken. Eric gave a very nice presentation on screen capture. His slides were on the club website. The talk reminded me of just how rapidly both my computer and I are fast moving towards obsolescence.

It snowed last night. It was the fluffy kind, not too heavy. I was able to clear the driveway, porch and sidewalks myself.

Mr. Dickie

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