Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Yard Work

Photo: Corel

Spiritual effort and the joy that comes from understanding life go hand in hand like physical exertion and rest. Without physical exertion, there is no joy in rest; without spiritual effort, there can be no joyful understanding of life. (Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom, 2 April)

We cannot hope to obtain any sort of perfection in a society which is divided into two parts: rich people who rule the world and poor people who obey their orders. (Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom, 14 April)

This morning we both worked in the yard for several hours. Melva spread the last two bags of mulch. We bagged all of the plant debris we'd cut down earlier. Then I set the mower blade as low as I could and mowed the yard. Afterwards I tied down the throttle on the mower and burned off the rest of the gas. I don't plan to use the mower again until next spring. We put out about twenty bags of debris for pickup tomorrow. Now we are ready for winter. We tried to hire one neighbor to help with the project. When we didn't have any luck we decided to do the job ourselves just like we usually do.

I decided to include a photo in today's blog entry. At some point the easy way of doing this broke. I have no idea what happened. Stuff just happens!

Mr. Dickie

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