Sunday, December 28, 2008


A person dies as he lives his spiritual life, alone. (Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar of Wisdom, 11 August)

All you have to do to receive your divine inheritance is change your old way of thinking. (John Randolph Price in Acts of Faith by Iyanla Vanzant, 16 December)

Changing our whole way of thinking is a monumental task, not to be taken lightly. (One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, 16 December)

Cyndi was able to replace the Craig MP3 player that broke with a 2GB Oasis player that she brought when she came to visit at Christmas time. Yesterday I started loading some of my MP3 files on the device. Today I loaded more. So far I have 63 songs on the device, including several that came with it. I really enjoy being able to take part of my music collection along when I go out for my frequent walks. I'm now ready to try using the device in our minivan. I think I wrote earlier that the MP3 players can be plugged into a cassette tape adapter and played in the car.

One of the neighbors, Bruce, called last night to see if I could recommend someone to put new shingles on his shed. I recommended our neighbor, George. This morning I went to ask George if he wanted the job. Later I saw him at Bruce's house. I assume they made the arrangements for the job.

Mr. Dickie

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