Monday, December 7, 2009

Pearl Harbor Day

Photo: Pearl Harbor Attack, 7 Dec 1941, USS Virginia

If you're longing for a simpler Christmas, it's time to challenge the belief that the holidays are about crafting decorations for every room of the house, loading tables with foods that aren't on your diet, and shopping for -- or handmaking -- gifts of questionable value for everyone you know and many people you don't. (Elaine St. James, Simply Your Christmas, p. 12)

I will not let my inner peace be disturbed by the confusions around me. I will be gentle and tolerant, while maintaining my right to my individuality. I will listen and appreciate, and not judge the source of what I hear. (One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, 7 December)


Today is Pearl Harbor Day. Sixty-eight years ago on December 7, 1941 the Japanese attacked our Navy at Pearl Harbor. It's often called a "surprise attack" even though there had been many indications of Japanese intentions beforehand. A study of the events leading up to the event indicates that it wouldn't have been much of a surprise if our leaders hadn't had their heads in the sand. This anniversary day is a good time for all of us living today to ask ourselves whether we learned anything from the actions or inactions of our antecedents.

Yesterday I announced on my genealogy "News" blog that I have created a "Henthorn Genealogy" website using the Google sites application. This website will be private. I must know the people who request access and I must know where their genealogy interests lie. Those who wish to gain access must also register with Google. Initially the website will be used to stage various reports I prepared in the PDF format. All of the reports are already in place.

I also declared my intention to share information about the available files via a PDFWeek on my genealogy "News" blog. And, I stated that I would be willing to share individual files as Email attachments, with people I know, if they request a specific report.

In light of the fact that there has been little interest in my private Google genealogy group I am aware that this is an experiment which may not prove popular.

Mr. Dickie

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