Friday, April 17, 2009

What Works

The biggest happiness is when at the end of the year you feel better than at the beginning. (Henry David Thoreau in A Calendar of Widsom by Leo Tolstoy, 6 Apr)

If I can''t ... [detach] I'll try to "hang on loose." (after Melody Beattie in The Language of Letting Go, 5 Apr)

I believe that what works in your life works because you make it work. You succeed because you make the right choices. You choose the right attitudes, and you enact the right behavior to generate the right results. It is you who must create the life you want. And the choice is yours to make. (Dr. Phil McGraw, The Ultimate Weight Solution, p. 282)

  • Yesterday one of my relatives I've never met contacted me on Facebook. We've exchanged genealogy information in the past. It will be fun to stay in closer touch.
  • Did I mention that the Google Docs application can be used to write PDF files? It's free. I tested and found it simple to use.
Mr. Dickie

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