Sunday, April 12, 2009

Keeping Notes

Each country gets the government it deserves. This isn't a new thought, but ponder its implications. The people in Washington who run the government would as soon lie as breathe. They feel no obligation to tell the truth. That's what we deserve? What an indictment. ... (Andrew Frothingham and Tripp Evans, Wake Up and Smell the Coffee, 2 April)

Until today, you may have made excuses for the unkept and incomplete areas in your life. Just for today, be devoted to acknowledging the things you have left undone, unsaid, and incomplete. Acknowledgment is the first step toward healing. (Iyanla Vanzant, Until Today! 1 April)

There's an old saying: only little children and old folks tell the truth. When you get real old, you just lay it on the table. (Bernie Delany in Faith in the Valley by Iyanla Vanzant, p. 119)

A New Way to Keep Notes On My Laptop

I've been thinking about how I could eliminate the clutter of all the PostIts and other scraps of paper I have lying around. The desktop is always a mess and I can never find the note I need when I need it.

In the past I used the SideKick program and the AskSam program for note keeping. I no longer have either program installed on a computer. I thought about downloading a note keeping program or buying one. I decided I didn't want to spend any money and I didn't want to learn how to operate another program. I wanted to devise a low-cost (or no-cost) way to keep notes using the tools already available.

Today I came up with a simple no-cost solution to the problem.

Under the "My Documents" folder I created another folder, "My Notes." In this folder I can store text files where I keep notes. For example, to get started I created files named: Deaths; Genealogy, and Misc.

On my desktop there is an icon for "My Documents." When I double click on the icon a list of folders and files stored under "My Documents" displays. One of the folders is "My Notes." Clicking on "My Notes" displays all of the "text" files saved in the "My Notes" folder.

Clicking on the "Search" button of the toolbar displays the search dialog box. The "Look In" box is already displaying the path to the "My Notes" folder. To search for a word in all of the files all I have to do is type the word I'm looking for into the "Containing text:" box and click the "Search Now" button.

The search results display to the right of the search dialog boxes as a list of the file(s) where the search term appears. When I click on a file name the file is opened in my text editor, EditPad Lite which can then be used to search for words within the file if I can't spot the term I want to find.
Mr. Dickie

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