Sunday, January 9, 2011

Domestic Terrorism

Don't feast on negativity. (after Betty J. Eadie, Embraced By The Light, 8 December)

As he thinketh in his heart, so is he ... (Proverbs 23:7, Daily Guideposts 1990, 8 December)


There was another incident of domestic terrorism yesterday in Tucson, Arizona. Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords was severely wounded and others, including a child and federal judge, were killed. The shooter had posted some of his ranting on Facebook. Congresswoman Giffords was one of thirteen leaders marked with a cross-hair symbol on a map of the United States that was posted on a Sarah Palin PAC website. We all should be asking Sarah Palin what message she intended to convey with this image.

Mr. Dickie
9/Jan/2011 8:10

1 comment:

Shari Bruce said...

Normally you are more well-reasoned. Go ask Sarah Palin what she meant, and I believe she will respond with "voting people out of office"; not "killing people to get them out of my way". Had 2 or 3 other of the "targets" been attacked on the same day, you might have a valid point.

"Don't feast on negativity." Indeed.