Sunday, January 2, 2011


This year is a book of clean blank pages on which I will write a record of my experiences and my growth. (One Day At A Time in Al-Anon, 1 January)


One of the books I'm going to read this year is "Daily Guideposts - 2009." This is the 33rd edition of this Christian daily devotional classic. I own, and have read, all previous editions. I read three editions in 2010. All of my copies were purchased "used." I collected them over a period of years. I've started to look for the 2010 edition. I expect to find a "used" copy before too long.

I conducted a review of my blogging activities in 2010. I have four Google blogs. Two are used for sharing genealogy information and two are used for daily postings. Here's a recap (The first number is 2010 posts and the second is the number of posts since I started the blog.)
  • Arrow Prayers (6 years) - 324/1725
  • Mr. Dickie's Blog (3 years) - 326/900
  • Henthorn Genealogy (3 years) - 302/635
  • Henthorn Obituaries (3 years) - 81/255
  • Total Posts - 1033/3515

Mr. Dickie
2/Jan/2011 9:27

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