Saturday, January 8, 2011

Setting Up A Facebook Group

Devotional reading is designed not simply to inform the mind, but to fire the spirit. (Selwyn Hughes, Every Day Light, p. vii)


Setting Up A Facebook Group

Yesterday I created a Facebook Group, using their new group format. Membership in the group is limited to members of the Carlson-Hagstrom family. This is the maternal side of my family. I included eighteen Facebook members in the initial group membership. This "secret" group will provide us with a place where we can post photos, post on The Wall and comment, create documents and comment, share links and videos, and hold group chats with more than two people in the chatroom at a time. The possibility of holding group chats is particularly appealing to me.

During setup I discovered that all uploaded photos will reside in the same photo album. This means that making use of photo captions and tagging will be important. Apparently photos must be uploaded from your computer rather than from one of your own Facebook albums. I think tagging someone in a photo who isn't a member of Facebook is somewhat difficult.

I was able to make people members of the group without discussing this with them. If someone doesn't want to participate they must visit the Group and click on "Leave The Group" on the right side of the screen. Note that "Leave The Group" probably doesn't mean, sign-out of the group for now.

I'm hopeful that family members will be willing to actively participate in the Carlson-Hagstrom Group. The amount of fun will be dependent upon everyone's willingness to actively post and comment.

Mr. Dickie
8/Jan/2011 9:05

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