Saturday, November 5, 2011

Today Is

Yesterday is a canceled check.
Tomorrow is a promissory note.
Today is the only cash you have, so invest it wisely.
(Warren W. Wiersbe, Chapter-By-Chapter Bible Commentary, p. 678)

When I ripped some music from CDs I saved them in the WMA format.  Later I learned that it would have been better to have them in MP3 format.  This format seems to work well with Google Music, Spotify and other things I like to do.  I downloaded and installed a program called: Switch Sound File Converter from NCH Software.  I used this program to convert the files from WMA to MP3.

I also downloaded and installed a file manager program called Double Commander which displays two file lists at the same time.  This is very handy if you want to quickly selected and drag and drop files to copy from one folder to another.  I made good use of this program during the music file conversions.  One feature that was particularly useful was the ability to search for files with a particular file extension.  For example: when I thought I was nearing the end of the file conversion project I checked to see if there were files with the extension "*.WMA" that I'd missed.

During the last week I installed the Skype program on the laptop.  I added computer club member, Dan L., as my first contact.  I received my first call this evening when Dan noticed that I had Skype running and called.  It took a minute to get my bearings and turn off some music I had playing on the computer.  We conducted a nice video call of more than thirty minutes. At the end we hung up and I practiced calling Dan back to make sure I could initiate a call from my end.  I think we are ready to encourage some relatives in Panama to get Skype working.

Mr. Dickie
5 November 2011

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