Sunday, November 13, 2011


To cope effectively with problems or to rise triumphantly to challenges may require courage, patience, sustained energy, and imagination, but it also requires something even more basic: realism.  (Joan Bel Geddes in Believing In Myself by Larsen and Hegarty, 4 November)


My timing is off.  I wasn't able to pick up my photos at Target yesterday.  Cyndi stopped at the store too early.  The photo shop wasn't open and the prints hadn't been made yet.  I'll make a trip out to the store later today.

Last night I spent time playing with, and listening to, some of my music while I read ahead in the books I'm reading on a daily basis.

The visual quilting book Cyndi ordered for Melva arrived yesterday.  The copy we have checked out of the library is due back at the library on Tuesday.

Mr. Dickie
13 November 2011

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