Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Where's My Sled

If you look for what's wrong about ... [someone] and store that negative image in your mind, then that's where your relationship exists. If you change your thoughts to what you love rather than to what you label as wrong, you've just changed your entire relationship. It went from lousy to great ... by changing your mind! (Dr. Wayne Dyer, 10 Secrets For Success and Inner Peace, p. 90)


The schools and federal government are closed for another day. Snow started falling again last night. This morning at 7:00 a.m. it was difficult to see the snowflakes because they were so small. Looking off in the distance the visibility was limited so I knew it was still snowing. There's no sign of the predicted wind yet. Gutters and roofs are in jeopardy. We'll probably face another five or six inches of snow that needs to be cleared from the driveway and sidewalk. The lady next door was out clearing the sidewalk last night.

Mr. Dickie
10/Feb/2010 7:33

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