Sunday, January 13, 2013


Things can change when the person experiencing the effects of the problem takes the initiative to resolve it. (Cloud & Townsend, Boundaries Face To Face, p. 16)

Serif had a good software sale, on older versions of their programs, at the end of the year.  One of the computer club members sent a heads-up Email.  I couldn't make up my mind whether I wanted to spend the money or not.  I waited until the last minute before deciding to order three programs for $15.00 each.

I purchased and downloaded:
  • PagePlus X5 - installed on 12 January 2013
  • WebPlus X5
  • PhotoPlus X4
I'll be very busy in 2013 if I intend to master these three programs.  Stay tuned.

Mr. Dickie
13 January 2013

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