(Not Our Christmas Village)
Don't get ahead of yourself if you want to maintain control of where you are going.
(Richard E. Henthorn, 2 March 2014, after Perry Tilleraas, The Color of Light, 1 March 2014)
Our 2014 Christmas Village is set up. I used those thumb sized Christmas lights to illuminate most of the houses. I switched to a string of of fifteen sockets. A few houses and lighthouses have their own cords for the lights.
We added three new items this year, purchased at the University Park community yard sale.
- Winery
- Covered Bridge
- Clock Tower
The main display is set up in the living room on the buffet and a folding table.
- Barn and Silo
- Butcher Shop
- Churches (2)
- Victoria Train Station
- Ceramic Christmas Trees (2)
- School
- School (with movable brass bell)
- Sweet Shop
- Santa's Workshop
- Church (with plastic window)
- City Hall
- Daily Blizzard Newspaper
- Covered Bridge
- Blythe Pond Mill
- Village Inn
- Clock Tower
- White & Black Lighthouse
- Brown Lighthouse
- Crystal Creek Winery
There's also an overflow display on an end table.
- White Lighthouse
- White & Black Lighthouse
- Bakery & Inn
- Three Snowmen (with illuminated "Let It Snow")
Dick Henthorn
8 December 2014
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