Sunday, January 15, 2012


Photo: Mr. Dickie - Dry lock on the C and O Canal

Some people don't know how badly they need a new way of life until disaster overtakes them.  (One Day At A Time In Al-Anon, 21 November)

People who have no future hope have no motivation for life today.  (Warren W. Wiersbe, Chapter-By-Chapter Bible Commentary, p. 836)

Not everybody who asks for help should receive it.  (Warren W. Wiersbe, Chapter-By-Chapter Bible Commentary, p. 800)

True reconciliation is not cheap; there is a price to pay. (Warren W. Wiersbe, Chapter-By-Chapter Bible Commentary, p. 810)

I learned how to add comments to the thirty-eight videos I selected for my Sampler playlist I created for Mr. Dickie's Channel on YouTube.  There's a link to the Featured video page in the sidebar of this blog page.  You do not need to create a YouTube account to watch the music videos.

Mr. Dickie
15 January 2012

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