Saturday, January 14, 2012

Mr. Dickie's YouTube Channel

Photo: Mr. Dickie - Old Bowie, MD

Don't simply make the best of it, make the most of it.
(after Warren W. Wiersbe, Chapter-By-Chapter Bible Commentary, p. 764)

Chronic suspiciousness is a character flaw, not a compliment.  (Larsen and Hegarty, Believing In Myself, 16 December)

I will not yield to my compulsion to go on talking after I have made my point ... (One Day At A Time In Al-Anon, 1 December)

I continue to work on a project to create a YouTube channel for MrDickie1939.  I've made good progress.  I have it working with a Featured page which includes five Favorite videos.  There's a link to the Channel in the sidebar of this blog.

Mr. Dickie
14 January 2012

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