Monday, January 9, 2012

What Works

When we do what works why are we so surprised that it works? 
(Rev. David Stier in Believing In Myself by Larsen and Hegarty, 9 December)

Yesterday I ordered, downloaded and installed version five of the Roots Magic genealogy program on the new Toshiba laptop. Before yesterday there was no genealogy program on the new computer. In the days ahead I will be setting up the folders for the new program and moving the genealogy files from version three of Roots Magic on the old desktop computer. I'm looking forward to being able to once again share the work I did in the past. It's also going to be fun to try out some of the features of the program that I wasn't able to use in the past. If health and interest hold up in 2012 I should be able to accomplish some interesting genealogy projects. I'll keep you posted on my genealogy blogs.

Mr. Dickie
9 January 2012

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