Wednesday, December 26, 2012

You're Killin' Me

When we accept false and violent laws and submit to them, we can neither establish truth nor combat lies in this world. (Leo Tolstoy, A Calendar Of Wisdom, 22 December)

This morning I'm getting the books ready for my 2013 daily reading program.  I've selected twenty-five books.  I read part way through at least three of them in the past.  I create a 3x5 bookmark card for each book which I also use to note any pages of particular interest.  I also create a book catalog of the books I intend to read.  I use the freeware CSVed program for this.

Yesterday I finished a project to create a content index to 112 folders of royalty-free folders of some very nice photos on a PhotoHouse CD. This should help me to more easily find photos that I might want to use in my various postings.  Here's an example, a train ready to clear the track.

Mr. Dickie
26 December 2012

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