Saturday, May 31, 2008

Lava Field

Lava Field
Newberry National Volcanic Monument
South of
Bend, OR
Route 97

Getting to Know You

I hope you are enjoying the last Saturday in May. It's time to think about going to the beach, having picnics and being outside.

I'm trying to learn more about how this Blog works. I've discovered that somethings don't always work well. Perhaps that's because I still access the Internet with a telephone connection.

I'm trying to post a photograph I took to the new blog.

Mr. Dickie

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Welcome to Mr. Dickie's Blog

29 May 2008

Recently I have been learning about Google Docs. Then I met someone in an AOL genealogy chatroom who displays her artwork on This lead me to create Mr. Dickie's Blog.

On AOL, where I have been a member for many years I maintain a genealogy website and three AOL blogs. I'm using two of those blogs to quickly and easily share more genealogy and family history information.

I'll probably use this new blog to post some general information about things I have on my mind.

It's certainly a lot of fun to learn about all of the things we can do on the Internet. Have you tried doing anything new lately?

Mr. Dickie